A New Chapter

Life really does play out in chapters….

Job Creation and Climate Change

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I watched the documentary called “Years of Living Dangerously” and it really amazed me that there was a group of people who are fighting against climate change solutions because they believe that it will cause people in the high carbon producing industries to lose their jobs. They claim that job loss is something that our economy can’t handle. I agree, but it’s as if they completely overlooked the fact that by implementing these solutions we will be creating new jobs that never existed before.

They really think that the elimination of the high carbon producing jobs means now everyone is out of work and they will be home sitting on their couches now the world will magically be better just because the job disappeared. The people who claim they are going to “lose” their job, aren’t, they are simply going to be retrained and/or relocated to a new position involving cleaning up our carbon mess instead of creating more mess just because we are in fear of loosing our current position.

I saw a man holding a baby claiming that we need to wait for thing whole climate change thing and just concentrate on creating new jobs by letting them create a coal terminal close to him home town. All I could think to myself was “I bet he wouldn’t let his little baby grow up and work in that coal terminal.” These jobs that they are fighting to save, even if saved, these are temporary jobs. These jobs are not sustainable not for the person working them nor the planet.

More info on Coal Terminal Click Here

I don’t think the people who are so passionately fighting against this fully understand what they are fighting against. They think big companies and government are just coming in and trying to make everything harder for everyone by implementing new rules regulations just basically being mean, and it’s not fair. Its sounds like arguments made by a stubborn teenager with no logic supporting their argument just emotions and laziness. I know no one likes to be told what to do but their has to come a time where you are lease see that your parents are telling you not to do something because it is for your own good.


How long will it take us to realize that the change, the rules… they are all for our own good?

Every time I watch documentaries about the issue of climate change it always blows my mind. Not the statements they make about the data found by scientist but the opinions of people who have 24 hour access to valid factual information that still believe that it is something that is made up and that is just a lie, or a conspiracy, or a belief.


I honestly hope that it will not take an epic tragedy of some kind to wake people up. It seems like even when small-scale tragic events happen, unless you were in the epicenter you really can’t accept the scale of what really happened. And it is even harder to accept the fact that something you do halfway across the country could have an effect on what you saw on TV like hurricane Sandy for example.

The sooner we realize that it is the effect of every person turning on their car, every person throwing away and creating waste, every person spraying an aerosol can,

every person on this plant, can affect every person on this planet,

the sooner we can start doing something about it as a whole instead of waiting for an organization or program that is going to magically come into my home and change what I do every day.

We can’t afford to be stubborn teenagers, afraid, and rebellious to change.

We can’t afford to pretend like nothing is happening.

We can’t afford to wait around for someone else to do it.

When I see new cars coming out this coming year and they have little to no change on the gas mileage and only slight changes to the style and frame, I am disappointed. I know the technology is here but it seems like we move at the rate of snails when we have to accomplish something that could potentially cost billions of dollars to large corporation CEO’s.

Think about it, if they make a car that don’t run on gas how are they going to make all their money on gas?

If they make homes that can sustain themselves off the grid, how to they make money on the grid?

But no one looks at it from a positive point of view. If they would stop being greedy bastards trying to squeeze every last drop out of this coal and gas industries then they would quickly turn their attention to something that can make them more money and more jobs for longer by implementing a new way of thinking. It is the ones in charge that are reluctant to change that are keeping us in the stone ages.

We can advance our phones monthly if not more frequently it seems. We advance our computers making them faster, smaller and more efficient, on a daily basis it seems. But the fact that we still only get 30 miles to the gallon on a good day in a new car makes me really wonder what happened… where is the growth? A 1956 Jaguar Roadster gets around 17 mpg…that was almost 60 years ago…. what have you been doing since then? Today Jaguar has a 2014 car that only gets 20 mpg. (only 28 highway) What have they been doing for the past 60 years…. buffing it??

How about we create some jobs for people to figure out how we can make our cars better since we obviously have no one filling those positions at the moment…..

I just don’t see how people with families can claim they would rather wait on the climate change issues for the sake of their family. That has to be one of the most contradicting statements I have heard in a while.

In fact climate change is actually putting jobs in jeopardy just not the job they were specifically fighting for, so who cares right.

Jobs like farming and fishing are largely impacted by climate change. If we keep dumping chemicals, waste, and sewage into the ocean until all the fish die, what are the fisherman going to go catch. If we ruin all the land with pesticides and waste, how are the farmers supposed to farm? Eventually what are we supposed to eat? Eh who cares though because the guys supporting his family by working at the coal plant still have that job we saved… thank goodness for that.

Author: Sharine

Stay at home mom of three learning how be...

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