A New Chapter

Life really does play out in chapters….

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Breaking Writers Block By Just Writing

I love blogging but I haven’t been in any kind of mood to write anything productive or even moderately interesting. I love to write I just have had writers block for a little over a week now. I’m not saying that the writer’s block is gone, but I think the only way to get rid of it is to just sit down and try to write something. I really want to try to write something before I start working with my new job. I don’t think I will have as much spare time once I start working for this other group.

It’s not really a new job since I will be in the same building and I am only moving over a few bays, I am just going to be working with a new group of people on some new assignments I have never done before. I am excited for the new experience but a little pessimistic about the training. I always hated being in training because everyone automatically assumes that you don’t know anything about anything, and they can’t trust your opinions and ideas because you are a person speaking with no reference.

From what I was hearing about this new group it is going to be much more interesting than the group that I am currently working for now. At the moment I am doing basically data entry work and checking requirements of previously made drawings. But in this new group I will get the opportunity to show off some of the designer aspects of my job title instead of just the technical side.

We will be working on project that involve weight reduction on the plane by combining multi parts and making them one single part so we can remove nuts, bolts, and fasteners. I think it will be fun I just have to go through the “prove what you know” stage again and let everyone know I am not a complete imbecile. I know that I am knowledgeable in the job I am currently in because my boss has decided to take me up a level.There are 4 levels and I was hired at level 1, he said that he is putting in the info for me to become level 2 by next month. I am unsure if it means I will receive another pay bump but I am just happy with the new title. 😉

I thought it would take a lot longer then it has I have only been working here a year and one month and I am already going to get another promotion. I am really proud of where I am today but a little afraid of all the fast paced progress, what do you do once you have finally reached the top? Though I am nowhere near the top, I will be there soon at the rate I’m going (Not that that’s a bad thing 😉 I know I have said this before in another post “Too Much Too Fast?”, but since I talked with my manager about our mid-year evaluations I feel like I should be pursuing further schooling or getting ready to go further with something but at the moment everything is way better than expected (job wise) so pursuing school would actually probably make my current situation worse instead of better.

Things could always be worse so I don’t want anyone to think I am complaining about my situation, I’m just confused, I’m not even frustrated because I am very content with where I am at the moment. I just have to go back to taking things day by day instead of contemplating the future.

Sorry to all my readers if this blog post makes no sense, but like I said the only way to break writers block is to just write!

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Smoking Conundrum

One thing I did notice today is that everyone seems to be walking around with “a case of the Monday’s” everyone would much rather be in Eastern Washington on vacation where the sun is shining but we are all stuck here making money on the rainy side of Washington, and the only upside is that you’re in a building with no windows. So whatever the weather is there is no reason for you to worry about it.

Unless you are a smoker like me, unfortunately I have to deal with whatever the weather is for at least a half hour a day during my ONE smoke break at 11:00am. I know what you’re thinking…. “How can you deal with only ONE smoke break!!??!!” And I have no answer for you on that one. People here are just lucky they have not had any limbs uncontrollably ripped off by one of my alter personalities that came out because it was starved for nicotine.

South Park – Season 7 Episode 13 “Butt Out” 

My work is actually one of the places that has made it illegal to smoke on the  property, you don’t get arrested but if a manager catches you on the premises and writes you up, you can eventually lose your job if you are written up enough times. I understand that people who don’t smoke do not like being unwillingly exposed to the smell and danger of the smoke every time they had to leave or enter the building, but having someone lose their job because they refused to walk over a mile to smoke a cigarette seems a little ridiculous as well.

You can’t have a completely smoke free workplace no matter how much you are just looking out for the best interest of the employees; you have to take everyone’s feelings into account. They have tried to help by getting everyone to just jump on the bandwagon and stop smoking by having programs you can join that help encourage you to become a non-smoker.

American Cancer Society’s “Quit for Life Program” 

If they are to ban smoking they need to take into account that some people do not want to quit, even though they fully understand the health risk. There needs to be designated smoking areas at least that are clear from walkways and doorways with ashtrays available. Because of this new rule passed without taking into consideration that smokers will be smokers and they will find a place to smoke on their breaks they now have the issue of mass amounts of cigarette butts lining the parking lots. Even though I smoke and there are no ashtrays conveniently placed for us I don’t throw my butt’s on the ground I keep it in my hand until I get to a trash can but not all smokers are that generous.

They have basically traded one problem for another without solving anything, even the people who started the ban are still mad because even though people have moved more than 100ft away from any doorway in that building to smoke, they still smell smoke on their way out to their cars in the mornings and afternoons because we hide in the parking lot to avoid being spotted by managers. So you see they will never be happy ad just putting up invisible lines didn’t help the situation at all either, if anything it probably cost them a few useful workers that were out on a smoke break and they got reported and fired.

Even being a smoker myself I don’t think that what they attempted to do was wrong, I am all for a company that is willing to help their employees stay or become as healthy as they can be. Boeing had great intentions, I just think they needed to come up with a better way of handling things. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on smoking this is just mine.

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I Heart My Plane

747-8 Intercontinental in the Everett, WA Factory

It’s one year to the day that I have worked at Boeing on the 747-8 Freighter and Intercontinental, and I am so proud to be apart of a team like that. I don’t think that I could have gotten any luckier upon entering the company, the timing the plane, everything was just perfect. I got there just as the 747-8 was being certified and having its first planes delivered they were in the middle of one of there biggest celebrations because of all the accomplishments we achieved for the company with just this plane. I even got to be apart of the concert they threw for the employees in the factory! The Steve Miller Band played live for us. It’s been a great year and I am just so glad to be apart of it.

Compared one on one, the 747-8 Freighter has no competitors.

Both airplanes represent a new benchmark in fuel efficiency and noise reduction, allowing airlines to lower fuel costs and fly into more airports at more times of the day.

Read more Here

Every one has been raving about the new 787 Dreamliner but I am a 747-8 supporter all the way!! t(~_~t)

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My Amazing Life

I have never been more proud of my family and all that they have accomplished, including myself I have almost made it one year at Boeing, my fiancé just heard the news that he will also be working for a fortune 500 company called Softlayer. Just one year after moving here we have a great house, and jobs, I just don’t think it gets better than that.

Then I get a call from mom saying that she was the main feature in the Sun Newspaper because she graduated from Drug Court. I am so proud of her because I was really scared a year ago to leave her as she was just picking up the pieces left from her addiction and I was not going to be there to support her in any way other than a phone call or a text.  She did it all on her own and I am so proud, it the first time I feel like I can truly trust in her independence.

I have never been as happy as I am today, just to know that all these things in my life that I worried would never come together have finally started to work out. You are told from a young age that things are going to be hard, and it teaches you to expect the worst. Happiness becomes a dream and dream we learn are usually unachievable.  I am just happy that the things that seem simple as a child like finding love, work, and housing have come together and worked out so beautifully.

As kids we think it’s easy all you have to be is grown up and it just happens, as we grow we realize it doesn’t. We see from examples from our friends, going from one bad relationship to another and never finding happiness. We see it in our parents when they struggle to keep jobs, or struggle to find them. Though I struggle to get where I am it’s nothing compared to what most people go through, I got my job after one interview, and it was my first interview EVER!! My fiancé as well, his first interview he got the job too!! I just think it is amazing the way my life is going.