A New Chapter

Life really does play out in chapters….


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I read a book called “Speak” it interested me because I can relate to not being the most popular girl in school, though I was never one of the girls that would do anything to become popular, I, just like many other girls, did want to know what it was like to be popular. After reading the first few pages I was hooked. I could relate to what she was going though in school with people not being too fond of her, and then things got real. She is invited to a party that normally would go on without her knowledge because she was not even cool enough to hear one was going on. Of course things start off well everyone is having a good time even the guy she crushes on is even showing her attention. Things take a turn for the worst when he gets her alone. After taking advantage of her she runs inside and calls 911, forgetting that there is a party going on with all of her schools coolest kids drinking underage.

You can see where I am going with this she is now not invisible because of her social status but she is now a common target of physical and mental abuse because she crashed the party. Knowing that everyone hates her she can’t bear to tell anyone that she called the police because she was raped, it is much easier for her to let them believe she was just a snitch. Even her parent don’t understand her strange behavior and she does not want them to make the situation known so she is alone with her own thoughts and fears, with no on to talk to.

They later made a movie based on the book starring “Kristen Stewart” you may know her from more popular movies like “Twilight”. I never pictured her being the star character for that movie but she played it off well, her natural awkwardness what just what the character needed. For a weird girl that is not bad looking but is a total outcast she can play that roll very well, like in the movie the “Runaways”.

I would say the book was very good and the movie portrayed the book well, so overall it was a good all the way around if you are into Lifetime movies with a moral at the end of every story and a somewhat tragic, yet uplifting ending.  It is very chick flick, teen movie drama but it is still a good flick.


You can watch the entire movie for free on YouTube in parts, it is worth the watch especially if you are unwilling to read the book.

Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 

Part 4 

 Part 5 

Part 6

Part 7 

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Author: Sharine

Stay at home mom of three learning how be...

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